
The APCC communicates its activity through the its website, indicating dates of publication and updates. The information is organized in an accessible, thematic, chronologic and understandable way.

The APCC, also reveals to the public information regarding:

Institutional organization and administrative structure in the website’s section who we are

Economic, accounting, budgetary and patrimonial management, including personnel, relations between job positions and compensations, as well as public subsidies received. This could be consulted in activity reports. Action plans and budgets approved by the management committee can also be consulted in intern’s documents section (only accessible by members).

Decisions and actions, resulting from members’ assembly meetings as well as board of directors meetings, which are available in intern’s documents section (only accessible by members).

Personnel open calls, available in News section.

Reports and studies.

Budget, with description of annual budget items and information about its implementation every semester (August and February), its liquidation and compliance of budget stability objectives and financial viability (next publication).

Information about relevant data concerning patrimonial inventory regarding public immovable property and movable propriety with a special value. Available in operating counting (next publication).